Best Blueberries

in the South

How We Grow

Preserving biodiversity and best practice land management have long been our passion since ‘Walking Lawton’ Chiles, former US Senator and Florida Governor, owned these pristine woods and fields. His love for the land was instilled in his family, who were inspired by his environmental passion. Lawton Chiles’ son, Bud, and wife, Kitty, have managed Jubilee in state-leading environmental practices where they grow blueberries.

Jubilee Orchards has received the highest distinctions for environmental stewardship and best farming practices.

It’s this passion that makes Jubilee an amazing experience and why we want to share it with everyone who visits. That’s why every Spring, we welcome thousands of people for our U-Pick season and encourage people to enjoy the full experience of the plantation by staying overnight in two of our vintage cabins—hiking in the woods and enjoying the lakes. Also, enjoy our orchards while picking our luscious fruit with their families and friends. 

U-Pick Fresh Blueberries

Blueberries in Hands

There are many good reasons why thousands of families visit our orchards. They travel from as far away as Michigan because our blueberries are the Best of The South. Jubilee Orchards customers can be assured that their families are consuming the healthiest, most nutritious, and best-tasting fruit possible. We are committed to climate-smart growing practices that protect people, wildlife, our soil, and our air and water quality.

Importantly, picking berries at Jubilee is just a blast for all ages.

U-Pick cost is $10 per pound.

Thank you for making this year’s U-Pick Blueberry season a great success! We appreciate your support and enthusiasm. We are now closed for the season, but we look forward to seeing you next year for more blueberry picking fun.

Bud & Kitty Chiles

Business Owners / Lead Farmers

Preserving biodiversity and best practice land management has long been our passion. The farms and businesses have received the highest distinctions for environmental stewardship and best farming practices. It’s this passion that makes Jubilee an amazing experience and why we want to share it with everyone who visits

Bee in Blueberry Flower

Need directions? Come visit today!